Students are awesome! What started as a requirement for the doctoral degree evolved into a fantastic experience of discussing intellectual inquiries and research doubts with undergraduate and postgraduate students. Since then, I guide and mentor them regarding research framing, finding educational resources, and preparing for industry careers related to machine learning and data science. Often, this mentoring service results in scientific papers, research posters, and/or joint research projects.

(Chronologically ordered) Name, University, Degree, Year, Project Title

Current Students

  1. Nigel Low, NUS, BSc. Computer Science, 2027, Machine learning and analytics in industry.
  2. Aleksandra Elena Getma, KU Leuven, MSc. of AI, 2025, Calendar effects in energy forecasting.
  3. Youlong Gu, NUS, MSc. Urban Planning, 2025, Crowdsourcing labeled datasets for human perception in the urban envionrment.

Former Students

  1. Koichi Ito, NUS, Ph.D. Architecture, 2024, Translating street view imagery to correct perspectives to enhance bikeability and walkability studies.
  2. Yujun Hou, NUS, Research Assistant, 2024, Global Streetscapes – A comprehensive dataset of 10 million street-level images across 688 cities for urban science and analytics.
  3. Fu Chun, NUS, Ph.D. Built Environment, 2023, Filling time-series gaps using image techniques: Multidimensional context autoencoder approach for building energy data imputation.
  4. Chan Choon Chuan, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2023, The relevance of Energy Reset for Singapore Greenplan 2030 in order to maintain green sustainability in Singapore Buildings.
  5. Antonio Liguori, RWTH Aachen University, Ph.D. Civil Engineering, 2023, Physics-informed Denoising Autoencoders for missing data imputation in commercial buildings: an ablation study.
  6. Kristi Maisha, Fulbright Scholar, 2023, Utilizing wearable technology to characterize and facilitate occupant collaborations in post-COVID-19 workspaces.
  7. Zachary Colligan, Washington State University, M.Arch., 2023, Perceived thermal comfort in indoor spaces.
  8. Dawn Leong, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2023, Developing a data-driven thermal and acoustic comfort prediction model for mixed-mode ventilation building in Singapore.
  9. Aravindkugesh S., NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2023, Occupant’s perception of noise and thermal comfort using smartwatch based ecological momentary assessments.
  10. Chen Shu Hua, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2022, Work space recommendation for educational buildings based on thermal comfort and personality.
  11. Chua Yun Xuan, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2021, Correlation between personalities and thermal comfort preferences in Green Buildings.
  12. Teo Yi Ting, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2021, A Data-Driven approach for Buildings to achieve Green Building Certifications.
  13. Till Stoeckmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, M.Sc. Computer Science, 2021, Data-Driven Detection of Discords in Energy Consumption Data with Matrix Profiling.
  14. Ng Qi Xuan Madeline, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2021, Recommendation Systems for the Built Environment: Predicting and managing thermal comfort & energy efficiency.
  15. Lai Wen Xuan, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2020, The plausibility of a data-driven thermal comfort model with a Bayesian Network approach within a Net-Zero Energy Building.
  16. Pimpatsohn Sae-Zhang, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2019, Study of transient thermal comfort behaviours.
  17. Dinesh Kumar S/O Ravee, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2019, Occupant profiling based on thermal comfort preference.
  18. Chan Shi Ying, NUS, B.Sc. Project and Facilities Management, 2018, Investigating the integration of wearable technology and ventilation operating systems for thermal comfort.